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[REBOL] Re: Multimedia REBOL... yes or no?

From: maximo:meteorstudios at: 10-Jul-2003 16:26

here goes, MM in itself IS well covered by other languages... but that's the problem ... its not rebol code ... that's why most (if not all) of us have changed to rebol for.. its the syntax and grammar OF THE LANGUAGE we like. I have built many tools for which rebol wasn't specifically the best platform as a programming language... things like a (video) editing timeline, production pipeline tool, a distributed rendering manager, a scsi-ddr (ddr: digital disk recorder) transfer and remote video deck tool. All of these used many different aspects of rebol and the only one I had to stop as a project was the timeline editing tool. That's because rebol does not have any syncronization methods which can garantee a certain level of frames per second refresh in view, even less if there is image manipulation, even less on windows. also, as cyphre has illustrated last week, there are still limitations to the external library access which means we cannot truly use outside tools which potentially could solve that problem. MM depends on many things and the true problem is in syncro.. how could we synchronise a 30fps animation to sound and also have some real-time vid/fx rendering or draw dialect style gfx overlays in rebol ... currently its not possible.... And let me assure everyone that its not easy. I'm not saying Carl isn't up to the task, who knows, he might already have a rebol|RT (real-time ;-) version on his desk... Carl, You specifically asked If I was ready to loose some portability in exchange for performance and added integration to the os... tough call... I'm pretty sure there are two specific types of users in rebol, the utilities/applets/web/cgi/script types for which rebol/core and view are PERFECT and then there are some of us which try to use rebol as a general purpose language. The later group have more problems I think. I also think that the later type would be more willing to accept a break in the program-once use Everywhere philosophy. Open gl is the way to go, if you want to keep the maximum portability... it is available in all flavors of UNIX and Linux, windows, apple (not sure about amiga). People always think of OpenGL as a 3D language... its also a very nice 2d language, with nice anti-aliased vector support. maybe REBOL|OpenGL version could be integrated which has a face built with opengl (and its various platform adaptations). IT would be compatible with view but would have open gl library calls available too. and anyways, what IS rebol using for ITS gfx engine.. wouldn't it be worth it to support OpenGL when its present in the os anyways, in the current view? BTW, has anyone looked at image magik... ( I am planning on building myself a rebol front end to it... thats a uber powerfull image manipulation api which is used by many high-end tools and production facilities. Plus its free, even commercially, and its not even bound by a gpl type license. -- as far as being able to get the os calls and lib access free, I guess Carl will give the software when he's finished the REBOL|END-HUNGER|PAY-MORTAGE module ... ;-) Then, will I then get refunded... I have a pro license. I'd feel a little pinched if they got free (but I won't cause its already paid itself ;) ... But I do agree that its a pain you have to pay for something as basic as os-calls. I can understand for oracle DB, Lib-access, etc, etc... As far as I'm concerned, an easier library integration would be welcomed. that's the main edge python has over rebol (a part that its free). -max ----------- meteor Studios, T.D. ----------- Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman