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[REBOL] Re: Rebol and New Hybrid Software Model

From: petr::krenzelok::seznam::cz at: 16-Sep-2007 13:25

>> It can. You just limit REBOL to server only usage. Why? Is it the only >> area of possible usage? Give me AltME written in PHP. Give me IOS >> written in PHP. Give me ViewTop written in PHP. You are limiting REBOL >> experience just to one case - webserver development .... >> > > No - but it works VERY well for web-server development. So why aren't more web-hosts offering it? >
Because they are lazy dogs? :-) Well, I think that it is because REBOL is not part of default distros. It once was with RedHat 6.2, IIRC. But I am not sure, distro licenses do allow to include proprietary SW? So, general web-hosts installs Linux, and you have LAMP available (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). As a bonus, you might have PostgreSQL, sqlite, Python plus framework, Perl. So, imo, ALL it takes is to choose good web-hosters, and ask them to upload REBOL executable for you! One email or one phone, that is it. I did so with two web-hosts, they did it for me in the past. Now I host my server myself :-)
> (People use ViewTop?) >
Maybe not, but it is a good example of what can be achieved with REBOL, and new GFX engine of R3 will allow even more ...
>> I think that if ppl want, they find solution, if they just wish, they >> find excuses :-) >> > > Believe me, I hate complaining about REBOL's marketing... >
Can you help? Do you have some concrete opinion here? I e.g. understand what Ed suggests here. Guys, it is in our hands, RT listens. I got Carl to agree to create website&marketing group on AltME R3 Alpha world. Would anyone be willing to join? -pekr-