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[REBOL] Tupleware

From: sanghabum::aol::com at: 22-Feb-2001 12:32

In a previous thread, [g--santilli--tiscalinet--it] writes re tuples
> They're used for IP addresses and colors, or anything similar. If > you need a generic "array of integers" you can use a block of > integers (integer! is 32 bit); or you can use strings as Rexx > does.
Thanks for the information. I still think that, with a bit of imagination, the tuple could become a much more usable datatype. Given that a tuple doesn't handle IPv6 addresses (which have 8 parts, each 1 16-bit number, usually expressed in hex, with a colon as a separator, and with shorthand forms for omitting zeroes) perhaps there is a case for Carl to sit down and rethink or extend the tuple concept. Yes, I have been using blocks of integers for structured numbers with parts that exceed 255. But a sort of "super-tuple" built-in datatype would be very handy indeed. Colin