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[REBOL] Associative data store

From: joel::neely::fedex::com at: 14-Sep-2000 16:01

The proposed implementation below addresses separation of key/value spaces and tries to take advantage of REBOL built-ins for performance wherever feasible. Critiques and comments welcome! -jn- ===============(begin code listing)================== REBOL [ Title: "Minimal Associative Data Store" File: %assoc.r Date: 14-Sep-2000 Author: "Joel Neely" Purpose: { Quick, minimal implementation of a data store that associates arbitrary values with (string!) keys. } ] assoc: make object! [ _keys: copy [] _vals: copy [] clear: func [] [_keys: copy [] _vals: copy []] clear?: func [] [empty? head _keys] count?: func [] [length? _keys] new: func [/local r] [r: make assoc [] r/clear r] put: func [k [string!] v [any-type!] /local p] [ either none? p: find _keys k [ append _keys k append _vals v ][ change at _vals index? p v ] v ] get: func [k [string!] /local p] [ either none? p: find _keys k [ none ][ pick _vals index? p ] ] keys: func [] [copy _keys] ] =================(end code listing)================== This (minimal) implementation can be used as follows: =================(begin transcript)>> do %assoc.r
>> phonelist: assoc/new >> phonelist/clear?
== true
>> phonelist/put "Bill" "555-1111"
== "555-1111"
>> phonelist/put "Al" "555-2222"
== "555-2222"
>> phonelist/put "George" "555-3333"
== "555-3333"
>> phonelist/put "Dick" "555-4444"
== "555-4444"
>> phonelist/get "Al"
== "555-2222"
>> phonelist/count?
== 4
>> phonelist/keys
== ["Bill" "Al" "George" "Dick"]
>> foreach who phonelist/keys [print [who "^-" phonelist/get who]]
Bill 555-1111 Al 555-2222 George 555-3333 Dick 555-4444
>> foreach who sort phonelist/keys [print [who "^-" phonelist/get who]]
Al 555-2222 Bill 555-1111 Dick 555-4444 George 555-3333
>> privatelist: phonelist/new >> privatelist/count?
== 0
>> >> foreach who head reverse sort phonelist/keys [
[ print [who "^-" phonelist/get who] [ ] George 555-3333 Dick 555-4444 Bill 555-1111 Al 555-2222
>>==================(end transcript)===================
Enjoy! -jn- -- ; Joel Neely [joel--neely--fedex--com] 901-263-4460 38017/HKA/9677 REBOL [] print to-string debase/64 decompress #{ 789C0BCE0BAB4A7176CA48CAB53448740FABF474F3720BCC B6F4F574CFC888342AC949CE74B50500E1710C0C24000000}