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[REBOL] Bug in 'use? Re:(4)

From: ole_f:post3:tele:dk at: 23-Jul-2000 7:15

Hi Brett, 19-Jul-2000 you wrote:
>> Thanks! In the meantime, I got it working by simply having the temporary >> variables as parameters to the function. Mean, but it works. >You don't need temporary variables. You can use local function variables.
[...] I did briefly try this, but it seemed to give the same errors. Though now I've written a bug report to feedback (about 'use), and I just tried writing a small program which used local function variables, and it seemed to work. So I probably had another problem in the program... Kind regards, -- Ole Friis <[ole_f--post3--tele--dk]> Amiga is a trademark of Amiga Inc.