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[REBOL] Re: Rugby / TCP woes

From: cyphre:seznam:cz at: 27-Nov-2001 16:42

Hi Nenad and all, I have found the same problem on my WIN98SEcz configuration. So here is the way I tested it: open two Rebol consoles for example SERVER and CLIENT: type in SERVER console: do %rugby.r serve/with [echo] tcp://:9001 this should run rugby server at localhost port 9001 with 'echo service available... then type in CLIENT console: do %rugby.r do get-rugby-service tcp://localhost:9001 ;echo is available locally s: now/time/precise loop 100 [echo "lala"] now/time/precise - s == 0:00:40.15 ;this is my result on [Celeron--633MHz] running WIN98SEcz + REBOL/View I can't say that Rugby is faster on other systems since I haven't other systems available to test. But I believe Pekr and Maarten's reports that the result is on WIN2k and Linux about 100echos per 1 second or so. I would like to know the results on other platforms so please try this little test on your machines and let us know... regards, Cyphre