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[REBOL] Re: On list! inconsistency [was Re: WYSIWYG programming]

From: joel:neely:fedex at: 1-Nov-2000 12:46

Hi, Ladislav, Ladislav Mecir wrote:
> I would like to make a few points: > > 1) my hat's off to RT for their implementation of lists
I wholeheartedly concur -- in the sense that I'm glad that list! hash! and block! types give use containers that are optimized for different purposes.
> 2) there's a spec lists *must* comply to to be called lists: > insert and remove *must* be elementary operations for lists
Again, total agreement.
> 3) your requirements are in contradiction with the spec
I don't think I'm laying down "requirements". Remember the history of this thread. (Skip indented text if you aren't interested in the history part...) I made the comment that there are inconsistencies in the design of REBOL, and that comment was challenged. I tried to give examples of such inconsistencies. I also tried to make it clear that I do not regard all inconsistencies as necessarily "evil", and used the result values of Append and Change (applied to blocks) to illustrate that point. The difference in their returned values (original position or adjusted position) has a benefit for the most common uses, and the benefit is related to the *concept* of container, and *not* to the implementation details of the differently-optimized containers. Therefore, IMHO the mild inconsistency is reasonable. That isn't always the case, however. The spec (RCUG) states the differences between result values for some operations applied to list! values vs. block! and hash! values, but there's no explanation of *why* those differences are of any benefit to the programmer. A REBOL programmer who writes a function with an any-block! argument will very possibly have to write/debug/maintain extra code to deal with the variances in behavior of list! vs. block! and hash!. You're right that those differences are documented, but I think it is reasonable to ask whether there's any benefit to the programmer to offset the cost of the exceptions If there is no benefit, then I think it's fair to call the design decision into question as being less than perfect. -jn- PS: Ladislav is due credit for inspiring the latest sig block! -- ; Joel Neely [joel--neely--fedex--com] 901-263-4460 38017/HKA/9677 REBOL [] foreach [order string] sort/skip reduce [ true "!" false head reverse "rekcah" none "REBOL " prin "Just " "another " ] 2 [prin string] print ""