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[REBOL] Re: HTTP-Post Error

From: mattymattkim:hotma:il at: 24-Oct-2002 20:49

How would I post multiple inputs? Like so? read/custom url [post "data=value" "data2=value"] Also, can "value" be a string? I've been trying to send text messages via Rogers AT&T web portal. I have it work using http-post.r, but I'd like to use read/custom to get this done. Here's what I have so far: read/custom [post msisdn=4165551234 area=416 num1=416 num2=5551234 oldtexttext=hello there SIZEBOX=11 SIZEBOXW=2 submit=send message sm_title=Rogers | Wireless sm_header_ok=Thank You sm_header_fail=Sorry sm_ym=Your Message: sm_status_ok=has been sent to: sm_status_fail=cannot presently be sent to: sm_logo=/att-logo.gif sm_pcs_link= sm_pcs_text=Send a PCS message sm_home_link= "sm_home_text=home"] It seems to connect, but it doesn't work. :( Matt
>From: RebOldes <[rebol-list2--seznam--cz]> >Reply-To: [rebol-list--rebol--com] >To: Matthew Kim <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> >Subject: [REBOL] Re: HTTP-Post Error >Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:48:39 +0200 > >Hello Matthew, > >Saturday, October 19, 2002, 2:41:08 PM, you wrote: > >MK> To be quite honest, I'm still a newbie at REBOL and I find the code you >MK> posted, very difficult to understand! I wish I were a REBOL genious! =) > >Everything needs some time:-) I had to spend a lot of my time to find >how to use the /custom switch, because I havn't seen any documentation >on it. > >Important is, that if you just need to post data, you can do: >read/custom url [post "data=value"] > >In the more complex example I've send I use 'open port, because I >needed to get the cookie. This is set in the port/locals/headers as >the 'set-cookie value (if there is some cookie) > >To post the cookie with your data, you have to use: > >read/custom url [post "data=value" header [Cookie: "cookie_name=value"]] > >I was using the %http-post.r script as well but since there is support >directly in Rebol, why not to use it. > >-- > >>do [send to-email join 'oliva [--david--seznam--cz] "BESsssT REgArrrDssss, >RebOldes"] > >-- >To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to >[rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the >subject, without the quotes.
Matt Kim If everything is under control, you are going too slow -Mario Andretti _________________________________________________________________ Get faster connections -- switch to MSN Internet Access!