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[REBOL] Re: Rebol & XML

From: bry:itnisk at: 8-Aug-2003 15:55

>I haven't found that having a different syntax for addressing
>to be helpful. I just consider the attribute to be a child of the >element. Yes, in theory it is possible to have an attribute and a >child-element of the same name, but in practice I've never seen such an >XML file in five+ years of working with XML. Or, at least not within
>same namespace.
Unfortunately I have to be able to differentiate between them. I'm also more likely to handle more document-like structures, bibliographic materials, TEI, Docbook, xhtml etc, as such structures are less regular they increase paranoia. So basically the following: Xpath: "/body/a[@href and not(@class)]" Is no more helpful than a path which treats attributes as elements? This may be occasioned by my being set in my ways but I find it hard to believe I wouldn't feel the lack almost immediately, and have that lack grow even more annoying as time went on.