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[REBOL] Re: daytime protocol

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 15-May-2003 22:54

Hi CB, CW> I am getting a network timeout when I do read daytime://10.x.x.x where the CW> IP address is a local box running daytime server on Linux 2.2.14. On a CW> protocol analyzer I see the request and the server response that has the CW> daytime value in it followed by a TCP ack from the machine running the rebol CW> script. But rebol seems to be expecting something more??? Anyone know what's CW> going on? I don't, but Ladislav wrote a little daytime server. Maybe you could try running it in place of the other one to see if it works. (it's included below) -- Gregg REBOL [ Title: "Rebol Daytime Server" Date: 4-Dec-2002/13:21 Version: 1.0.0 File: %daytime.r Author: "Ladislav Mecir" Purpose: {A simple Rebol Daytime Server, answers are sent in Rebol date format. } Email: [lmecir--mbox--vol--cz] Web: Category: [web net 3] Reb: reb://Sites/Ladislav ] listen-port: open tcp://:13 ; daytime connections listen port forever [ daytime-port: first wait listen-port insert daytime-port now close daytime-port ]