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[REBOL] Re: win-offset? screen-offset? bug

From: rotenca:telvia:it at: 24-Mar-2002 13:09

Hi, Brett
> Well variables returned from layout *are* pretty important :^)
I agree. But see below...
> > > I haven't worked out how to fix it but you can see a work around in the > code > > > anyway. > > > > Yes, to reach the right face you must get the parent-face of the face > pointed > > by the var, in your example: > > > > panel-face: panel-face/parent-face > > Now doubt you'll see my later message - which I think fixes this problem.
I've seen. But I am not sure it is a good idea, because the panel style is used internally by RT styles and custom styles and i do not know if your change can mess something. To be sure, we should check all the styles and all request-file/date/... the choice and so on, to be sure that that fix does not mess something. And we should change many scripts. In my programs i make a new assignement to the parent-face after every use of a panel style and I think that many other people has made something like this. So the fix create to me more problems than it fix. The direct solution is very simple (get the parent of the face) and i already use it in many scripts.
> Regards, > Brett.
--- Ciao Romano