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[REBOL] Re: Outputting Image from CGI...

From: dockimbel:free at: 6-Aug-2001 15:21

Hi Jean, Holzammer, Jean wrote:
> > Try : print to-string read/binary %cnt.png > > This results in an invalid image file. > > I compared the original and the downloaded image file using a hex > editor > > to-string seems to convert any occurence of (hex) 0D 0D to 0D 0A ! > ,ie 2 linefeed to linefeed + carriage return
I don't think that your cgi script is doing something wrong :
>> to-binary probe to-string #{0D0D0A0D}
{^M^M ^M} == #{0D0D0A0D} Seems Ok for me. It may be that your browser is not supporting PNG, try with a GIF image. HTH, DocKimbel.