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[REBOL] Re: Rugby for Artists => was Re: Re: Medium+ Scale Developments

From: doncox:enterprise at: 13-Jan-2002 13:41

On 13-Jan-02, Brett Handley wrote:
> Say you have a script with some functions defined and the main > execution code. Rugby allows you to split that script up to run across > more than one Rebol process (usually on different machines). You could > put all the functions in one script and place that on a server machine > for example. Then your remaining script can call the functions that > now live on the other machine.
But isn't this incredibly slow compared to running the function locally ?
> Your program code appears to have just called a function and received > a result. That's the cool bit.
I would expect a noticeable pause each time. Regards -- Don Cox [doncox--enterprise--net]