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[REBOL] Re: Updating a drop list

From: gregg:pointillistic at: 11-Dec-2007 14:24

Hi Alan, A> I noticed that if I press the change button before using the drop-down it A> will change but if I click to view the drop-list first I can not get it to A> update the change. Aha! I can dupe that here. I obviously didn't drop it down first when I tested it. If you probe the code for the style, you'll see that it creates then reuses the list-lay sub-layout. That seems to be the culprit. form: layout [ sel: drop-down 50 "A" "B" "C" btn "Change" [ sel/list-data: [ "D" "E" "F" ] sel/list-lay: none show sel ] ] inform form -- Gregg