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[REBOL] Re: CGI Form / Email

From: mechtn:charter at: 31-Mar-2002 16:24

I'm a consultant with a limited amount of clients because i only work with law firms, and meet their specalized needs. The purpose of this is to create a support request. Basically it emails the 4 people on my team whatever i decide to have the form fields contain. Name, Customer Number, Email, Problem, Date, etc... This way its an extra form of communication they can have for contacting us, and we want to log all our calls this way. I was setting up a MySQL database that was going to have a counter for each customer number based on what they entered later on down the road, but i'm not that far advanced in programming yet. Instead of just having a subject field and message body field, i want to break them down into more specific fields and say, Customer Number and Date show up in the title, and then the rest of the stuff in the message body. The software we uses allows us to attach emails and log all our phone conversations to each client... This is just an extra way to help keep records with problems, and also if it sends this email to all 4 people on my team, one of us may be able to address it faster than another.. We work as a close team and this is how we decided our goals would be accomplished... I dont have very much experiance, and i'm learning rebol as i go, so please be patient with me.. Thanks Koie Smith [ksmith--nex-tekinc--com]