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[REBOL] Re: Beos extended attributes

From: davidegessi:tin:it at: 14-Aug-2003 17:47

>On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Davide Gessi wrote: > >> is it possible in REBOL to read/write extended file attributes in BeOS >> filesystem ? >> As Example the "city" attribute in a "people" file ? > >Unfortunatelly, no. With Rebol/View/Pro version for BeOS (which I bought >and is lacking behind the other ports right now) you the hability to >execute an external program (catattr to read the extended attributes and >addattr to create them) but the problem is that in the BeOS version it is >not possible to actually read what the programs spit out when run so >althought you could use addattr without problems, catattr would not help >as you can't get its output (I guess it is worth to remind that this *IS* >possible to do in BeOS in a way similar to the way it is done on *nix >clones but, somehow, it was not implemented in the BeOS port). > >I did offer help to Rebot Tech to get this and other stuff fixed on the >BeOS port (for free, no strings attached). I even sent them the BONE >network stack. No go. > >-Bruno
A pity :( I've built a simple wrapper to use Rebol for trackers addon, but without this feature any addon results somewhat useless... BeOS community are big and active, I hope that Carl remember us with a new release... Davide