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[REBOL] Re: Enabling the REBOL community

From: john:schuhr at: 9-May-2001 1:52

I complete agree with all suggestions made and have incorporated them into the prototype, as such. :) As far as using such a mechanism as a de facto standard.. well, I say build it and they will come. Once it's out there with a reasonably large feature set, then it's going to get picked up, scrutinized, twisted into pretzels and hacked into something better. We can't really lose. A standard becomes "whatever works for the majority". Maybe we need an anagram for the concept. Kinda like CPAN, but more oriented towards Rebol components? ======================================= ERCR (pronouned ERaCeR) Extensible Rebol Component Repository ======================================= Another possibility had popped in my head briefly of rigging the Component Manager (working term) to update modules from a central location (hence the Repository part of ERCR) on demand. Kinda like: unit/update-lib %ERCR/libraries/text/textproc/parsers ;or using the working term "Rebol Component Manager" rcm/update-lib %ERCR/libraries/text/textproc/parsers This would cause the CM (Component Manager) to hit against the ERCR and look for new versions of the ERCR/libraries/text/textproc/parsers library, based on version numbers in the REBOL headers or some such thing. Naturally, all components submitted for inclusion into the ERCR would need to meet certain specifications for providing documentation, standard interfaces and respecting namespaces. Perhaps each component could be _forced_ to use a local context. As for a categorical tree for components, all I can suggest is that we get started and go from there :) For example: ERCR/libraries/network/protocol/ertp.r ERCR/libraries/text/string/similarity.r ERCR/libraries/text/string/shellquote.r ERCR/libraries/text/textproc/parsers/cdf.r ERCR/libraries/text/textproc/algorithms/soundex.r ERCR/libraries/text/textproc/generators/pdf.r Just a few thoughts :) --John Schuhr At 10:30 PM 5/8/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi, John, (and everybody else) > >Just a couple of suggestions...