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[REBOL] [] Recent changes

From: rebol:rebol at: 30-May-2007 4:36

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= f-to-c.r --change: new script --change: updated script --title: Temperature Converter --owners: nelsonb --author: Nelson Benavides --purpose: Practicing Rebol/View --url: keyboar-trener.r --change: new script --title: Keyboard Trener --owners: hali --author: Karol Gozlinski --purpose: Learn to write rebol words faster without looking at keyboard. --url: qml-base.r --change: updated script -- Updated to latest version, see History for more details. --title: Qtask Markup Language - parser and other common code --owners: gabriele --author: Gabriele Santilli --purpose: This program implements the base for QML (Qtask Markup Language) converters (for example it's the base for a QML to XHTML converter used in Qtask), by implementing the parsing of a QML text string into a QML document tree. --url: snmp.r --change: discussion post(s) made --title: SNMP v1 protocol --owners: vdemong --author: VDemong --purpose: Implementation of SNMP v1 scheme (RFC 1155,1156,1157) , no TRAP. URL is snmp://[community-]<host adr>/CMD/<id values> default community is public Where CMD is get getnext or set id values is a string like that: "" Return [...] --url: view-list.r --change: documentation added or updated --title: View A List of Data --owners: [unowned] --author: Anonymous --purpose: Example of how to display a simple block of data as fixed width columns in a window. Code is just one line. --url: websplit.r --change: documentation added or updated --title: Web HTML Tag Extractor --owners: [unowned] --author: Anonymous --purpose: Separate the HTML tags from the body text of a document. --url: xhtml-emitter.r --change: updated script -- Updated to latest version, see History for more details. --title: Qtask Markup Language - XHTML emitter --owners: gabriele --author: Gabriele Santilli --purpose: This program implements a QML to XHTML converter. The input is a QML document tree (from the QML parser), and the output is XHTML text. --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: recent discussion: recent documentation: =======end======= --The Library People --30-May-2007