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[REBOL] Re: pleac/rot13

From: joel:neely:fedex at: 12-Oct-2003 7:54

Hi, Norman, Here's one way, but I don't know about smallness... Rebolinth wrote:
> A honarable listing on the one that builds the smallest ROT13 using bitsets and parsing ;-) >
r13: func [s [string!] /local left right neither r13char c] [ left: charset [#"a" - #"m" #"A" - #"M"] right: charset [#"n" - #"z" #"N" - #"Z"] neither: complement union left right r13char: [ [ copy c left (c: +13 + to-char c) | copy c right (c: -13 + to-char c) | copy c neither] (prin to-char c) ] parse s [any r13char] ] -jn-