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[REBOL] Re: Enhancement Request - Range! datatype Re:(7)

From: alex:pini:mclink:it at: 22-Aug-2000 20:53

>- Open Your Mind -<
Quoting from [Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz's] message (21-Aug-00 09:58:38). A>> The "to" has won me. A> A> Me too. :-D A> A> Does anyone know if "to" in languages other than English, means something A> different from "to" in English? How about in: A> Italian A> German A> Gaelic A> German A> Greek A> Spanish A> Geek ;-) As for Italian, "TO" was short for "Torino" (the city of Turin) on car plates until some years ago; it is un-commonly used as "take this" when you give something (a dish, a slap on the face); finally, it is an interjection of surprise, spelled "to'" or "toh", used for example when you see someone you didn't expect to see or you haven't seen for a long time. Yeah, I think 11to149 is OK for Italians, too. :-))) Alessandro Pini ([alex--pini--mclink--it]) Use the Force, Luke! SOCK! "OW! No..." POW! "OFF! Not like thif!!" KICK! "YOW! Ftop it!!" BRAMMM! "OOOUCH! Cut it! Now!!!" CRACK!