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[REBOL] Re: IP Address

From: the:optimizer:tiscali:it at: 10-Jan-2004 1:57

On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 18:03:30 +1100, Anton Rolls <[antonr--iinet--net--au]> wrote:
> I don't think you can. That's the problem with email - > you don't know who it's coming from. That's why we > get so much spam. > > However, it looks like you want to send your address > from work, so your home computer can contact your > work computer. Surely you can just embed the ip > address in the mail you are sending. > But I think there will be a problem: your work ip > will be an internal address on a subnet, or a dynamic > ip, and behind a firewall, so it will not be visible > from the outside.
Well it was just for "statistical" recording (call it data-collection-mania). For every message the bot is to be processing the important data is extracted and I thought that the ip address could be found as well. I will extract the first smtp server in the chain, where the mail should have started (that should be the last in the header list, isn't it?). As I said this is more for fun, just to undestand more about the language and on all many other things the language makes easy to manipulate. Nevertheless the constant update at work of the progress eMule is doing at home is not that bad 8) Mauro<