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[REBOL] Re: Accessing facets without using variables?

From: brett::codeconscious::com at: 9-Jun-2001 10:58

Hi Jose, Here some example code. ;------------------------------ ; Build a face using layout. The boxes will all be in a vertical line. layout-spec: copy [style bx box 10x10] num-boxes: 10 for i 1 num-boxes 1 [ append layout-spec compose [bx (multiply i divide 255.255.255 num-boxes) user-data 'my-box] ] ; Show the main face - a vertical line of boxes. view out: layout layout-spec ; Put the boxes into a diagonal offset: 0x0 foreach face out/pane [ offset: offset + 10x0 if probe face/user-data = 'my-box [face/offset: face/offset + offset ] ] ; Fix up the size of the main face - so that the boxes can be seen. last-box: last out/pane out/size: add add last-box/offset last-box/size 20x20 ; Show the modified main face - boxes are shown diagonally. view out ;------------------------------ HTH, Brett