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[REBOL] Re: REBOL : Pure OOP project ?

From: tim:johnsons-web at: 8-Apr-2002 9:00

Hello Guys, I haven't been following this thread very closely: but here are my thoughts on the OOP approach: I'm designing a DB-based system to service a number of clients, each with a variety of needs. My hope is to service all of them with the same application, in which most of the custom code is re-evaluated global data, rather than "code". It's been a bit of a headache to keep the "side effects" down. It seems that every time I make a change, I introduce an error. More of an OOP approach would make maintenance easier, I'm sure. My experience with Ansi C (large projects) has taught me that you can do OOP with any language, but it takes some thought and design. My experience with C++ (large projects) has taught me that poorly managed or designed OOP can be a major headache and cause overly-frequent recompiles. In a word, I'd like to keep a thread on OOP going. How can I contribute? Tim * Gregg Irwin <[greggirwin--mindspring--com]> [020408 08:42]:
> Hi Chris, > > << Considering the low number of replies I got from the list regarding this > thread : Class object inheritance library interest ? and the interest shown > in the Business object versionning thread. I begin to think that either > Rebolers are not interested in almost pure OOP with REBOL or that interest > is only limited to one's personal project... >> > > I thought, when I started with REBOL, that I would build an OOP > infrastructure for my projects (as I had done in the past with other > languages), but the more I've worked with it, the more I've moved away from > that line of thinking. I'm still finding my way with REBOL, from a design > and style perspective, so my view is hardly something to be taken as gospel. > I know that Carl has professed that he is "recovering" from OOP and the > design of REBOL shows this, while it's flexibility allows you to do OOP > pretty darn well if you want. I can see building an extensive OOP system as > a great challenge, and certainly possible, but I'm not sure the solution > will be as elegant as it otherwise could be. Caveat emptor, I haven't built > any large systems with REBOL, where OOP might really shine. > > I look forward to seeing your results if you pursue them. > > --Gregg > > -- > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to > [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>