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[REBOL] Re: REBOL/Command vs Doc's MySQL scheme

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 31-Mar-2003 11:29

Mat Bettinson wrote:
>Hello Gregg, > >GI> Shouldn't be too different, at least to see which works best for you, >GI> and as Tim said, it works with Core. > >Inside of a few minutes, I'd turned my script into using DocKimbles's >MySQL scheme. The results were... surprising. > >Take a look at these timings; > >REBOL/Command; > >>>system/version >>> >>> >== > >>>do %listsql.r >>> >>> >Script: "Untitled" (none) >SQL database openned. > >>>databaseinit >>> >>> >Initialised vw1... >Initialised vw2... >Initialised vw3... >Initialised vw4... >0:00:01.742 > >>>importallcsv >>> >>> >0:01:28.157 > >Nearly 2 seconds to create four tables. A minute and a half to import >400 odd records from a CSV. > >Now let's look at REBOL/Core with DocKimbles MySQL scheme; > >>>system/version >>> >>> >== > >>>do %listsql2.r >>> >>> >Script: "Untitled" (none) >Script: "mySQL Protocol" (25-Jul-2001) >mySQL protocol loaded >connecting to: wench >SQL database openned. > >>>databaseinit >>> >>> >Initialised vw1... >Initialised vw2... >Initialised vw3... >Initialised vw4... >0:00:00.03 > >>>importcsvall >>> >>> >** Script Error: importcsvall has no value >** Near: importcsvall > >>>importallcsv >>> >>> >0:00:00.751 > >Errr.... That's 117 times faster than REBOL/Command. >
Surprising, isn't it? I remember Maarten or someone else stating similar measures some time ago .... I wonder what technique does Command's MySQL uses. But - except for security and maybe ODBC, there is not much value in investing into Command nowadays .... Our company did so, because we need ODBC and it works very well for us, but FastCGI (under Windows) is half-functional and mySQL performance reported as being worse than even Doc's script-only solution. What is more, Doc adds PostGress driver and if he would not want to "hurt" RT, we would have even proper FastCGI stack. Maybe SoftInnov should be contracted to program/strenghten some Command's "connectors" :-) -pekr-