[REBOL] Re: Rebol and Proxy Server
From: valleyroad::gmx::de at: 16-Sep-2004 15:46
Hi Nenad,
this are great news. I looking forward to test it and hope to see your
announcement for it here on this list soon.
> Hi Thorsten,
> I've just finished a NTLM library for REBOL and a patch to apply it for
> the HTTP protocol. It uses the Windows API, so it requires the /Library
> component and of course, works only on Windows platforms. I'll make a
> public release it in a few days. This patch should solve your REBOL
> connection problem.
> HTH,
> --
> DocKimbel
> PS: NTLM is the authentication scheme used by Microsoft Proxy Server and
> ISA Server.
> Thorsten Moeller wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >i wanted to use REBOL in my company. I installed Rebol, made the proxy
> >settings and it worked until a few weeks ago. They made an update to the
> >Proxy-Server (MS ISA Server). After that neither my Opera Browser could
> >connect to the internet, nor REBOL could. I heard that MS changed
> >something in their authenthification, which is not supported.
> >
> >Does anybody knows how to get around these things and make Rebol work
> >again????
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >Thorsten
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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