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[REBOL] Re: Argument passing

From: jeff:rebol at: 5-Apr-2001 22:49

Andrew Martin passed along someone's question:
> > The question is - How does one pass a dynamic list of > > arguments to a REBOL script invoked from: a) the rebol > > command line b) a DOS batch file c) a Unix shell script?
With Core 2.5 you can take any number of args from the command line which are split into separate arguments found in system/options/args: Try this script (unix version): ;------------------------------- #!/path/to/rebol REBOL [ Title: "Args checker" ] foreach obj [options script][ print [obj #== mold get in system/:obj 'args] ] quit ;------------------------------- Call the script rargs, put it in your path, make it executable and then try stuff like: rargs 1 2 3 rargs "1 2" 3 etc.. You should see that system/options/args winds up being set to a block containing each argument as a separate string. Then if you want to have fun you can use PARSE on the block and set various options in a pretty simple way: rest: copy [] parse system/options/args [ some [ "-q" (quiet: true) | "-v" (verbose: yes) | "-x" (experimental: on) | set other string! (append rest other) ] ]