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[REBOL] Re: localized func alternative...

From: brett:codeconscious at: 28-Feb-2004 15:39

Ammon wrote:
> The best way to achieve this (IMHO) is to simply use CONTEXT. This sets > everything within an object and you can set global words using SET. A
> about setting words this way though, they have the context of the CONTEXT > they are set in so while they are global, their values are relative to the > context.
Just a clarifcation for REBOL learners. Set used this way normally does set global words but only because the word you give to Set is global in the first place. Give Set a word from another context (a non-global context) and it will happily set that word in that context - Set is not limited to global words. For example: ctx-1: context [ word-one: 1 ctx-2: context [ word-two: 2 set 'word-one "one" ] ]
>> print ctx-1/word-one
one Regards, Brett