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[REBOL] Re: [date date! month month-bounds] MONTH-BOUNDS func design

From: jblake:arsenaldigital at: 30-Jan-2008 9:46

I'm just trying to think of the use for it. Once you figure out what it could be used for, then you make the options. The only thing I can think of is 1 to get how many days are in a month 2. how many days in a range of months (4 months) 3. how many days there are from today till the end of the month or end of range 4. how much time (days, hrs sec) there is till the end of the month/range. Taking that into consideration, and since it is a basically a range, I'd go for the generic reply first. If you want more specific data, then add the options. Or maybe I'm missing the purpose of the MONTH_BOUNDS thing.