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[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(8)

From: jhagman:infa:abo:fi at: 14-Sep-2000 14:57

Quoting [civicminded4--yahoo--com] ([civicminded4--yahoo--com]):
> > Whatever happened to the SHERMAN compiler, that I see, but cannot > get, when I do a search of the web for REBOL?
I don't really know. I asked about Sherman a few weeks back on this list as I was looking for it but got no useful answers about where it might be found. Yours, Jussi -- Jussi Hagman CS in Åbo Akademi University Studentbyn 4 D 33 [juhagman--abo--fi] 20540 Åbo [jhagman--infa--abo--fi] Finland