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[REBOL] Re: Why this email list has calmed down...

From: rebol:meurrens at: 11-Jun-2003 8:51

>By default, AltME worlds are closed... but if you have an interest in >visiting the REBOL World, you can get yourself invited pretty easily. >(Note: please don't send an email to me tho, as I'm not likely to see it.)
1) Can some of you invite me in the REBOL discussion world? Marc Meurrens <[marc--meurrens--org]> (Prof. Computer Sciences, URL: member of the ) 2) If there is a world on discussing AltMe issues, please invite me too... Coordinates above. 3) There is missing feature (this is a suggestion...) in AltMe: Some worlds would be able, if they decide so (!!!), to publish their existence (just the world's name on a list on ). Then it would be possible for anybody to send a "special" message to the Master of such world (or to the person or the group configured for this purpose, it may of course be the group All it self, ...). This "special" message is limited to providing a) a name (say max 50 chars) b) an email c) an URL (generally the home page of the sender) d) a very short message (say max 80 chars) This could preserve the "intimity" (specially if the message goes to a devoted user) of the world but still provide an opportunity to recruite new members. 4) If some of you as an experience on installing AltMe on a Linux Box (RH), please contact me out of list. Thanks.
>You can find out more about AltME and download it from >It's still in beta, but works fairly well. > >See you on the REBOL SafeWorld...
Prof. Ir Marc Meurrens, Brussels (be) TEL: +32 (0)2 537 2812 FAX: +32 (0)2 537 7645 EMAIL: [marc--meurrens--org] URL: REB: PGPKEY: Please don't mail me attached files, instead, use my 'exchange area' : EXCHANGE AREA: (HTTP/FTP upload/download of temporary/persistent files)