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[REBOL] Re: rebol and kiosk systems embedding ...

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 12-Oct-2002 19:52

jose wrote:
> > Back then, their software allows us to "lock" the > >>browser (MSIE) and define >>starting page etc. >>I'm sure they have more to offer now. >> >> > >Pekr, > >There is a pretty good solution for free from M$, if >you can afford to use Windows >
We probably can affor Windows. If we will be pressed for the time with the schedule, we will use Windows definitely, as I never installed Linux myself and I would have to ask someone else to set-up machine for me ...
>The steps to get your custom solution n. 2 working >are: > >1) Get the IE Administration Kit > > >2) Make sure you sign up for the Intranet mode license >(free) which allows the customizations above and >anything that IE can do. > >Check the docs on IEAK Profile Manager, wich allows >you to fix/customize any settings. You might find the >IEAK deployment guide helpful to get this done >
I will look for what it offers, but the last thing I want MS to get my support is to use their WindowsOS. Call me a former Amiga freak, but I kinda like a freedom of choice. Mozilla is the way to go for me, if possible. What is more - IE is NOT cross-platform and in the case we go for Linux we are lost anyway ...
>3) Now the interesting part: With Rebol/View/Pro you >can drive the IE Component the way you want (Gregg >might now about this as I've seen his Clipboard code). >
I am not sure. I have yet to read it, but isn't IE using some ActiveX, COM, DCOM etc. stuff? The problem is, that there is no solution available in Rebol, which wraps such complex stuff as technologies I mentioned. There is also btw ActiveX component for Mozilla ....
>I am very interested on this part although I am mainly >a Linux developer so I can only help providing info >and pointers. My interest is in talking to IE via >rebol for View+IE apps and other cool things. >Unfortunately don't have the time/money to learn >VisualC++ but feel capable of hacking via rebol >
Maybe we could try to embed mozilla? That way our Rebol apps could feature faces, which would be able to display web content, including plug-ins. Rebol browser anyone? :-) Well, - what is more - Mozilla is cross-platform and pretty feature rich for what is needed. There is no advantage in using IE nowadays, even for browsing ...
> Unfortunately there is no good mozilla kit for this. >Nestcape used to have a similar kit but am not sure >where that stands today. >
I don't need visual C++ kit or anything like that - what we need is wrapper, but I am not sure we can handle it, if we have no skilled C, C++ man here. I saw Ruby provides such binding e.g. Thanks anyway, -pekr-