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[ALLY] More on Do's and Views

From: tbrownell:yaho:o at: 26-Apr-2001 0:21

Hi. The main snag I hit is after ive "viewed" another pane, the parent script ceases to function... until the viewed window is closed. For exampe, a script that continuosly reads a .txt file and pops up any text it finds. (below) Now you would think that this script would launch one window every second with the contents of the .txt file displayed, but it doesn't... not until you close the viewed window. How would you get this script to just keep opening windows with any new .txt data??? REBOL [] forever [ wait 1 a: read %file.txt if not empty? a [ view layout [ text a button "Clear file" [write %file.txt ""] ]]] Thanks TBrownell