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[REBOL] Re: works for GET, not POST

From: gjones05:mail:orion at: 30-Jan-2001 18:09

Ryan, My version seems to work fine with GET and POST. I can't get your version to work for GET and POST. When I remove the "make object!" phrase (making it almost equivalent to Elan's), it works for get, but not post. Elan says he uses his version for post also. Then I started thinking that maybe it's a "version thing." I have been using REBOL/Core for utilities and CGI. I tried using my version with REBOL/View, and it worked for both GET and POST. Elan's version also works for both GET and POST under REBOL/View Remember that this is on Windows 98. Which version of REBOL are you using? Here's to hopin' we're closing in. -Scott