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[REBOL] Launch query

From: philb::upnaway::com at: 19-Nov-2000 11:50

Hi guys, When I run the following script from explorer rebol [] help launch print system/version halt I get the output : USAGE: LAUNCH DESCRIPTION: (undocumented) Running the rebol.exe from explorer going to the console and typying help launch I get the output (and I cant get launch to work) REBOL/View 31-Oct-2000 Copyright 2000 REBOL Technologies. All rights reserved.
>> help launch
USAGE: LAUNCH value /reboot DESCRIPTION: Launches a new REBOL interpreter process. LAUNCH is a native value. ARGUMENTS: value -- The command-line arguments (Type: any-string) REFINEMENTS: /reboot So if I am running the same version of rebol why do I get different results??? I thought I might have an old version of Rebol hanging around, but I cant find any other versions. Cheers Phil