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[REBOL] Pane's Feel

From: info::id-net::ch at: 4-Dec-2002 14:29

I'm recomposing parts of my application because I discovered that a big part of the slowliness of it, is the redraw of big VID components. So I'm splitting the window into more little parts. To make it, I include most of the components into the first draw, name them, and when I need them I change its sizes, offsets, from 1x1 to wanted-size and wanted-offset. That works well. But I don't know how to change its behaviors.. Let have a example: First Draw: box1: at 0x0 box 1x1 [print "hello"]; the box1 is almost invisible When I need box1 to occur box1/size: 200x200 box1/offset: 0x20 show box1... BUT how can I access to its behavior to print instead of "hello" a value of a variable when i want to change its behavior 'dynamically' after its first draw ??? Thanks by advance. Philippe