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[REBOL] Re: Is it possible to fill a Web Form

From: bo:rebol at: 26-Oct-2000 13:39

Gary, Yes, it is possible to digitally fill out the fields in a form on a web page. It takes a bit of research to do this: 1) Go to the form you want to fill out automatically with a browser or using REBOL. 2) View the HTML source of the page. Find the <POST ...> tag. a) If the POST METHOD="GET", then you submit the form in the following manner: a: read b) If the POST METHOD="POST", download http-post.r from REBOL's script library and use the http-post-form function instead of the above method. Submit the form to the address specified in the POST tag. To find the fields the form is expecting, look through the page source between the opening and closing <POST> tags and look for all the tags that start with INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA (that should be most of them). These should have name= in them somewhere. That's the field name the CGI form is expecting. I hope that's enough to get you started! -Bo On 24-Oct-2000/19:58:40-7:00, [gary--groupmiller--com] wrote:
>Might it be possible to use Rebol to : > >1) Access a web page and actually fill in the fields in a form on the page? > > -- or -- > >2) Have Rebol pass data directly to an ODBC connection on another server? > >As you might be guessing, the real purpose would be to "post" data from an >in-house server into a web server database, like MS SQL, without the need >for DTD, etc. > >BTW: I am quite new to Rebel & am very interested in practical applications. >I have both books. This list is interesting, but overwhelming & somewhat >esoteric. I work primarily with database driven applications that are in a >constant state of flux. Thus I need tools that are easy to implement & >straight forward to modify. > >Any suggestions would be helpful, > >Thanks > >------------------------------------------------------- >Gary L. Miller | filePro >The Miller Group | APPGEN >(253) 939-2307 Fax (253) 735-8384 | SCO >[gary--groupmiller--com] | Linux > | Win95/98/NT/2000 > >-- >To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to >[rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the >subject, without the quotes. >
-- Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky REBOL Adventure Guide REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 ( The Official Source for REBOL Books (