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From: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 17-Dec-2002 0:12

Hi, I would like to ask about possible (probably crazy :-) idea. Some developers are interested in seeing IOS developed. However we can't see any real advancements of IOS in last year or so. I can bet that each developer interested in IOS, would love to customise it to his/her needs. Wouldn't it be better for RT to e.g. sell IS framework as special part of SDK for some e.g. 500 USD? Maybe even lock it further to special licensing scheme? E.g. "if you use any part of IOS SDK, we take 10% of sale and 5% of client seat price" ... or something like that ... That way, we could see many interesting IOS related projects, and developer's community could also further enhance IOS framework itself and such changes would be put back into official SDK ... Any thoughts? -pekr-