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[REBOL] Re: Printing in REBOL

From: rphilipp:suffolk:lib:ny:us at: 15-Jan-2001 8:38

Thanks Andrew, It works fine but I have a few problems: 1) My printer is on %//lpt1, I've modified the program and it still works fine but.. 2) The << throw-on-error >> is undocumented and it doesn't seem to work. If I take my printer off-line it hangs up REBOL until I fix the problem. If I leave the printer as %//prn it goes back to command line. Is that what the function is suppose to do? 3) I understand this part of the code << secure [ %//prn [allow write] ] >> to mean that it should write automatically without asking, but the program still ask for permission. 4) Where did you get the codes for the printer? Thanks for your help :-) Robert P.