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[REBOL] Re: About View "Skinz" Contest

From: etienne:alaurent:free at: 25-Feb-2002 18:57

Hi, Oh, oh ... Really, I don't care to know witch OS is better than one other. For now, I'm using Linux, witch is good for me. For other people, I don't know, and I don't want to know ;-) Simply, what I would like to say is : Rebol is running on many systems. It's a pity that people without Windows could not use a good rebol app because this app uses a Windows API. (sorry for my poor english :-() Terry Brownell wrote:
> Winamp is for Windows and Mac. It's true that 'many' people use >windows, but I don't know how you can make an Mp3 player for view without >multiplying the effort times the number of OS's people use/want. And I'll >explain why it's a waste of time trying... > ><The "Why use Winamp" rant...> > I personally couldn't care less what OS I use, as long as it does what I >want to some degree of consistancy. I've been using computers since high >school in 1975. We had an IBM with a one line led display for the output, >and which required punching (marking with a pencil) cards, lining up behind >30 other students, feeding them through a reader, then approaching the >teacher to help 'debug' your 40 line/40 cards BASIC program, only to find >you marked "qrint" instead of "print". > My first computer was an Atari 800 with with 8Kb of ram (upgradeable to >a max of 16Kb for something like $400 1976 dollars... about $2000 today >dollars :) which used a cassette tape deck for saving/loading your program. >Took 15 minutes or more to load the simplest program. I still remember when >the first HD's came out, 5MB! That was just incredible. Who would ever >fill a 5mb hard drive??? And they cost, if I recall, $5000. Yes, $5000 for >5mb. > Then I got a Commodore 64 (64Kb ram) and the rest is history, with my >latest acquistion being 1Ghz laptop. > > I've seen it all as far as desktop/PC computing goes. And frankly, this >whole "my OS is better than your OS" spew is tiring. I don't care. I >couldn't care less if MS went under tomorrow, or if it became the only OS >out there. Frankly, I never cared about Apple one iota. They sold nice, >incredibly expensive PC's that no average person could afford. If Apple had >a cheap clone back in those days, there would'nt be an MS today. Now they, >Apple, have 2.3% of the market. 2.3 PERCENT? Who are these people? > > All I care about is "What are people using today?" and what OS should I >make software for first? > > So, to answer that question lets turn to the facts... Here's a great >site to do just that called "Geeks with Guns" > > > According to these stats, the Windows OS counts for 94.3%, Mac at 2.3%, >Linux 2% and Unix 0.3% with all the rest at 1.0% > > Someone earlier complained about a floating frame on my website. >Floating frames are cool, but only work with IE, and considering that IE >counts for 93% of all browsers out there, I'm willing, at this time, to >abandon the 7% of the rest. Then there's one more reason for Netscape users >to abandon it. > > At this time, for better or worse, Microsoft is the defacto standard. >If you are creating software for any other OS, you have seriously gimped >your market share. (Unless your creating something that is lacking in the >other OS, of which there is plenty... including Winamp) > > This is not about which OS is better, this is about why even you, yes >you.. are using MS products. And don't tell me you don't, cause the numbers >speak for themselves. > > Oops, I'm mistaken. In a room with 1000 'average' computer users, 23 >are Mac users, 20 Linux, 3 Unix and 10 everything else. > > And I'll bet you my Windows 2000 OS that the flames I receive on this >post won't be from the 944 Windows users. > >So, why use Winamp? >Why not. > ><end rant, have a nice day> > >TB > >PS - Windows XP sucks. Don't know about Linux, haven't used it... probably >sucks too. > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Etienne ALAURENT" <[etienne--alaurent--free--fr]> >To: "Rebol-list" <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> >Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 3:32 PM >Subject: [REBOL] About View "Skinz" Contest > >>Hi all, >> >>I noticed the View "Skinz" Contest. It's a very good idea indeed :-) >> >>2 remarks : >>-1) Don't forget that winamp is for Window$. Many people don't use >>Window$ but Apple or Linux or others OS with View. If you want to make >>an Mp3 player for everybody, you can't do this specially for Window$ OS. >>-2) About my skins : yes, I built skins for View. Everybody can use them >>for any app. But it was a test. The code is not optimized, can contain >>bugs, is slow on slower machines (especially complex widgets), and will >>not run with the next View version (this version will be derived from >>IOS with better graphical support, I presume). The net update is not >>optimal (the best approach is to implement a sharing file system, with >>file replication, like in IOS => this could be an interesting contest). >>Other thing, I would like to see different implementations for skinning, >>because I think other people could have other good ideas. Try for >>instance the FX5 skin, the Dockimbel's Winskin, ... >> >>-- >>regards. >> >>--- >>Etienne >>--- >> >> >> >>-- >>To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to >>[rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the >>subject, without the quotes. >> >
-- regards. --- Etienne