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[REBOL] Re: a demo

From: carl:cybercraft at: 3-Dec-2002 20:49

On 03-Dec-02, Charles wrote:
> Thank you, Anton. > In my opinion, it's unwise to release code for the beta version > of a product, unless it's only available as beta anyways. > Particularly when the official site says you're running the current > version. (For instance, 'upgrade' tells me it doesn't recognize my > version of /View *boggle*. However, when I use the Desktop and > choose the Upgrade option from, it says I'm running the > current ver.) You should make special note in you're code if it's > not using the standard, stable release.
We should all be putting a "needs" in our headers. Then at least people would realise they have the wrong version of REBOL instead of thinking they've stumbled across a bug in the script. ie...
>> write %test.r {REBOL [Needs: [REBOL/View 1.2.1]] print "OK."} >> do %test.r
>> write %test.r {REBOL [Needs: [REBOL/View 1.2.2]] print "OK."} >> do %test.r
** Script Error: This script needs 1.2.2 or better to function correctly ** Near: do %test.r No use for our cut&paste example snippets, but important in proper scripts I think. -- Carl Read