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[REBOL] Re: REBster

From: meta:dimensional at: 10-May-2001 11:41

[ryan--christiansen--intellisol--com] wrote:
> You're assuming that just because someone downloads an .mp3 of a song that > he or she intends on "stealing" the song. That's crap.
Indeed. Just FYI, I'm assuming nothing. I'm certainly not here to accuse anyone of anything or launch anyone on a guilt trip. Your ethics are your own. My goal is to discuss possible design features of any REBOL file sharing system. I'm intrigued by your idea, and why not make it better than Napster? In that context, it's worth thinking about how we as a society should treat and value artists. If a file sharing system or some other system can be set up using REBOL that allows fans to pay a small, reasonable amount to download a song (for example, a dime), with most of that money going directly to the artist, then I think many people would be satisfied with that. Artists would be happy to be paid based on the popularity of their work and without being penalized the way they are by the record company system. Fans would be happy to support the artists they love without getting ripped off in the process.
> I have bought more > music since I began using Napster than before.
That's true for many people. But it's also true that some people reduce or quit buying music when it's available for free. Not everyone is as supportive as you are by seeking out and purchasing CDs, so why not make it easy for them to be supportive in the way they prefer to get their music?
> Using Napster helps you to > decide exactly what you want to have. We all know audio CDs sound better > than .mp3s.
At the moment. But it's easy to see that as bandwidth becomes more and more available and compression technology gets better and better the difference becomes less and less important. MP3 is already good enough for a some people (heck, vinyl LPs on crappy turntables were good enough for quite a while). I suspect the market for CDs will most likely diminish and more people will turn to the net for music in the future.
> Listening to .mp3s is like listening to the radio, except you > have more control over what you hear.
It has some parallels, but since you can keep what you hear and listen again as often as you want it's essentially different than traditional radio.
> There will ALWAYS be people who copy > songs with illicit intentions, no matter what format they are in. But when > it all shakes out, Napster is a boon to the music industry.
That's a point that will continue to be argued. Meanwhile, if we have an opportunity to set up something that's clearly better, why not consider it? Such a system could allow for those artists who want to give away music for free to do so, while making it easy and inexpensive to download music from artists who want to charge for their work. I would love a system where I could download free music from artists who choose to make it available, and easily pay a nominal fee with no hassle for music from artists I feel honored supporting - especially if the money goes primarily to the artist and is paying for the songs I really like. Thoughts? Best Regards, -Jamie