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[REBOL] ANN: The Vault

From: maarten:koopmans:surfnet:nl at: 17-Dec-2002 16:07

Hi, I just uploaded a Christmas 2002 present to All good stuff, made by me and Ernie van der Meer. What's in it? - require.r : a smart runtime include system. Like #include from prebol, but better. Works very good while developing! Once I have modified the sources of the SDK to work with this, you can simply type: require 'prot-http and get that plus all dependencies (e.g.) Of course you can do this yuorself right now. - packer.r : a packager that utilizes a memory-mapped virtual file system, optionally encrypted for paranoid server environments. Use this to package your scripts before encapping them. Combined with require you'll have a much better environment then just using prebol. - rtags.r : for all the VI and emacs lovers: rtags creates tag files of your REBOL projects, allowing you to quickly navigate through the sources. Made by Ernie, VI and slackware guru. - handle.r : utility functions for error handling. Think attempt and try on steroids. - contract.r : a greatly improved design by contract function with help support! That's right, you'll see pre and post conditions in the built-in help. - html.r : a HTML 4.0 dialect for all you web developers, plus some utility functions. - profiler.r : a modified profiler based on Frank Sievertsen's original one. Allows you to add profiling at runtime! --Maarten