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[REBOL] Re: REBOL may be in violation of MS patent...

From: joel::neely::fedex::com at: 19-Nov-2004 16:42

Ladislav Mecir wrote:
> OTOH, I am not seeing any Rebol operator that tries "to determine if two > variables point to the same location in memory" :-), although the bugs > in documentation (corrected now at least at some places) tried to > suggest something like that. >
uSoft doesn't know the distinction you're making. ;-) In fact, a section heading in the patent (just above section [0041]) reads: System and Method for Performing an Object Non-Equivalence Comparison and that reminds me of a common operation in MANY languages (REBOL included) whether we concern ourselves with memory addresses as the means of implementation or not. -jn- -- If you can't run over them with a steamroller, sting them to death with killer bees! (rumored to be the strategy of the kinder, gentler uSoft of 2004)