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[REBOL] Re: Field event "missing in action"

From: thundrebol:ya:hoo at: 18-May-2001 9:22

--- Brett Handley <[brett--codeconscious--com]> wrote:
> Hi List, > Example, executing the following at a console gives > a simple entry form. > > view layout [ f: field [alert "activated"] ] >
On Windows 2000, when I run this code snippet, enter some text and click [enter], I get the following behavior: 1. The alert pop-up displays and is the active window. 2. The first time I click the "ok" button on the alert, nothing happens, even though the window is active. As the pointer moves in for the click, the mouse-over effect fires, but the button does not depress when clicked. 3. I click the button a second time. This time the button functions normally. 4. A second alert window (identical to the first) displays instantly. 5. When I click "ok" this time, I'm all clear-- no more alerts appear. If I return to the original window, type more text in the field and click [Enter], the alert dialog window functions normally, without the strange behavior. Any thoughts about what might be causing this? //Ed