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[REBOL] PDF to HTML Converter

From: ryanc::iesco-dms::com at: 4-May-2001 10:48

Becuase of all the interist lately in reading PDF's, I just had to put a user interface on a conversion script I made. Its pretty cheezy, but also kinda cute in its own right, as it demonstrates remote processing. --Ryan REBOL[ Title: "PDF to HTML Converter" file: %pdf-html.r Author: "Ryan S. Cole" Comments: "Just some junk code I had that I slopped a UI on." ] PDF-conversion-URL: convert: function [ "converts pdf url to html" pdf [URL!] where-to [file! URL! block!] ] [ document ] [ document: read/custom PDF-conversion-URL reduce [ 'post rejoin ["url=" pdf "&extract_order=-x&reflow_p=X&clear_p=X"] ] either empty? where-to [ write %temp.html document editor %temp.html ] [ foreach f where-to [write f document] ] ] view layout [ title "PDF to HTML Converter" label "URL of PDF document" pdf-url: field ("") label "Save to" across save-to: field button "Browse" [save-to/text: mold request-file show save-to] return button "Convert" [ convert load pdf-url/text load save-to/text ] ]