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[REBOL] Re: Yes, REBOL/Core is still free

From: ryanc:iesco-dms at: 22-May-2001 11:36

Lots of snipping... Holger Kruse wrote:
> 1. Core licensing status > > Core 2.5 has been released with a specific license. This license is still in effect, > and you can keep using Core 2.5 with that license. The license does not have any > expiration. Yes, there is now a DIFFERENT license available for Core, a commercial > license for US$ 79.00, but this does not invalidate any existing licenses. As a rule, > when there are several licensing options for a product then you can choose which one > you want. >
This works for me.
> 2. About Core remaining "free"
Good to here...
> 3. What it means for something to be "free" >
> 4. Free software
I didn't read your whole thing here, but I agree that free (free free, not commercial free, and not free from commercials) software movement can be a bit zealous. I havent heard too many of these guys on the list in a while though.
> These are NOT the only options. In addition to bulk discounts there is also > Runtime licensing (with per-client payments or with a one-time payment for > unlimited client licenses). There may be other options as well, such as educational > licensing, support agreements and consulting agreements. We are also very interested > in knowing what REBOL is used for in companies, and in some cases joint ventures and/or > joint press releases may be interesting for everyone involved. If you are interested > in licensing REBOL please talk to us and explain what you want to do. We may be able > to work out a solution that is even better for everyone's business than just plain > "free of charge" would be :-). > > -- > Holger Kruse > [holger--rebol--com]
I will keep it mind, keep up the good work. --Ryan