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[REBOL] Re: page-breaks in html or pdf?

From: bry:itnisk at: 5-Dec-2003 12:24

>The problem is, that if there is more than one doc for customer at one >batch, it is generated as multi-doc document (html or pdf) - but - some >of our customers complained that it is really difficult to print that >way. I chcecked out and did not find any way of how to issue something >like page-break in html. It is probably not even possible.
Well it's not really possible, but there is in css the possibility of setting your css to be a specific media: Some implementations have come along that I believe allows you to specify that .mypagebreakclass starts a new page for example.
> What about >pdf? Is there any chance to insert page-break into pdf doc?
Well I know it's possible to break a page programmatically in pdf, however when I work with pdf generation I do so from one remove, using xsl-fo. Of course there is a pdf standard, which I don't have a link to right at the moment, which goes into monstrously exhaustive detail about such things as breaking pages. a propos the css+html method, yeslogic has a product prince that supports css3 media properties with some extensions to better handle pagination requirements (I'm pretty sure one could force page-breaks), I looked at it in version 2.0 but found that it wasn't good enough for my requirements, considering that we had an xsl-fo based media channel for our Media Organizer product MediaMaxx that was far more advanced than I could see easily building with prince, that said for people with simpler needs something like prince would probably be a good solution.