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[REBOL] Re: IOS and presentations with Audio

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 22-Oct-2002 19:41

Brock Kalef wrote:
>A future look at what IOS could include if/when Multi-media Reblets are >made available. > >
Not heard of that one, but company that tells me that I need newer IE just pisses me so much, that I will never ever bother to visit once again. PPL should wake up - the world is not MS, period! Most ppl I know use Mozilla already anyway (as I push them to do so ... :-) Just a curiosity: Just a name clash with IOS? They even seem to use path for naming their products - IOS/Track etc. ... Now it would be interesting, if RT decided to bring in IOS/Track too :-) -pekr-