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[REBOL] Re: New Database Script

From: ryanc::iesco-dms::com at: 6-Sep-2001 11:35

Alright, I been waiting for one of these. Anyways, you can post it to the rebol library. As far as record locking goes, you might consider using rename. Sounds cheezy at first, but it really gives the same effect as record locking and should fairly infalable. View or Windows has a slight bug with this right now, but I am hoping RT will fix it soon. I suppose it might help if I actually send a feedback. --Ryan CRIBBSJ wrote:
> I have developed a simplistic database management system that I am > tentatively calling "RebolBase" (at least until someone on this list tells me > that they already have dibs on that name or until George Lucas threatens me > with copyright infringement!). > > Anyway, the main reason for creating it was to have a basic dbms written in > Rebol that stored its data in a plain ascii, newline delimited text file. > This would allow the database to be accessed and modified easily by other > programs and utilities. > > This dbms is pretty much single-user, it doesn't do any record locking > (although it might be something to add in the future). It handles most of > the basic stuff like inserts, updates, deletions, and selects. The selects > use a pretty basic syntax that is not as powerful as Gabrielle's dbms. I > hope to greatly enhance this in the future. > > In fact, there is probably lots of room for improvement in the whole script. > I have been tinkering with this thing of and own for the last few weeks now, > while at the same time trying to improving my not so sharp Rebol programming > skills. > > I finally decided to release it for two reasons. First of all, if I wait for > it to be perfect and have every feature I want, it will never be released. > Secondly, I am hoping to get lots of constructive feedback from you Rebol > experts on ways to make my code better/more efficient/less kludgy. > > I haven't tested it extensively, but it appears to work ok so far. And if > someone is looking for a relatively simple library to easily handle small > textfile databases, it might prove useful. > > Anyway, that's my rambling. Now comes my question. The script is a little > over 400 lines with comments. I don't really have a web site that I can post > it to yet. Should I put it in the body of an email message I send to this > list (since I know attachments won't work), or should I do it another way. > > Thanks. > > Jamey Cribbs > On-again Off-again Rebol-old-newbie > -- > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to > [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Ryan Cole Programmer Analyst 707-468-5400