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[REBOL] Re: tcp ports and buffer size? Holger?

From: holger:rebol at: 30-Aug-2001 9:48

On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 09:12:16AM -0500, Travis Watkins wrote:
> I am not a Rebol expert, but I would suspect that it may have > something to do with TCP/IP packet sizes. > > If you receive a packet smaller than your buffer, Rebol sees that > there was not enough data to fill the buffer, and so might assume > that the transfer is complete.
No, these things are handled by the TCP layer, not by REBOL. The problem is most likely that the web server prematurely closes the connection, for whatever reason. That is not all that uncommon. Happens all the time in web browsers and results in missing images or backgrounds. Petr, try using open/direct instead of a plain open. -- Holger Kruse [holger--rebol--com]